
Contact Us

Fiona Rosa

03 9466 1810


13 - 21 Diplomat Drive
Thomastown, Vic, 3074

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Student Health

Emergency Information

Please ensure that the information on the Confidential Student Enrolment Form is kept up to date. Address, telephone numbers, work telephone numbers and the contact details of emergency contacts – otherwise your child may be unnecessarily distressed when we need to contact you in an emergency.

It is essential that address and phone numbers of parents/carers and emergency contacts are always kept up to date. Notification of changes in a child’s medical, social and emotional condition is important. Details can be updated on Compass by parents or carers also by providing the information to our office staff.


It is important that parents/carers inform the class teacher, first aid officer and/or office staff if medication is brought to school. A medication authorisation form must be filled in providing details of medication to be given, the dose and the time it is to be given. It is important to clearly mark your child’s name on the medication packaging.

Management Plans must be kept up to date and relevant according to the students medical needs.

Medication Authorisation Form

School Nurse Service

The School Nurse Service is authorised to conduct medical examinations with parental/carer permission in the Foundation grade and any new students to the school. This is usually done by the school nurse who visits the school prior to the examinations to speak to the Foundation children’s parents/carers at an information gathering. Children from other classes are examined on referral by the class teacher and/or parent/carer.